Hurricane Breakfast
Legislative Update Hurricane Preparedness:
State Senator Lois Kolkhorst
"What Are We Up Against for this Season?"
Melissa Huffman, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Weather Service
Panel: Windstorm Tips & Lessons Learned
Douglas Klopfenstein - Education and Oversight Specialist, Property and Casualty Division | Windstorm Inspections Program
Manuel Villarreal - TWIA Ombudsman COAST Program, Customer Operations - Consumer Protection, Texas Department of Insurance
Stuart Lynn - Lynn Engineering
Les Selensky - Windshore Engineering
"Lessons Learned - Going Forward..."
Panel Moderator: Garry Barney, District Coordinator Texas Division of Emergency Management, Corpus Christi Office
Lee Brown, Public Safety Center, Communications "Code Red System"
Mike Donoho, Public Works, "City Streets/Water/Licensed Contractors
Patrick King, AEP "New Facilities Set Up"
First Baptist Church - Volunteer Reception Center
Collin Jackson - Internet, Broadband Update
Rick McLester, Emergency Management Coordinator, Aransas County
Information tables will be available. Cost per table space $20.00 - breakfast not included.