Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Fulton Convention Center
402 N Fulton Beach Rd
Fulton, TX 78358
Platinum Sponsor $750 Cups w/ logo presented on them (sponsor provides) Verbal cognition in opening Logo in program Logo presented at Hot Chocolate bar 4 seats Candy Cane Sponsor $300 (LIMIT 1) Logo presented on each candy cane for every registrant Verbal cognition in opening 2 seats Santa Sponsor $300 (LIMIT 1) Verbal recognition in opening Business may provide Santa hat with your logo on it Logo presented by Santa’s Chair durning pictures
Table for 8 Verbal Recognition
Logo on Table Tent
Full Page Ad in Program
Opening Screen Recognition
Clickable Logo Acknowledgement on Website
Dessert Sponsor $500 (LIMIT 1)
Table for 8
Verbal Recognition
Business Card Ad in Program
Company name Table Tent Card
Hot Chocolate Bar Sponsor $500 (LIMIT 1)
Table Sponsor $300
Table of 8
Verbal recognition
Company name table tent
Christmas Tree Sponsor $100 (LIMIT 8)
Tree Provided
Business picks a theme & then decorates tree
Logo presented on Christmas tree
Verbal recognition
Keep or donate tree to organization of your choice
Members $30
Non-Members $45
This year, we are asking the question: Who is Your Hero? We encourage you to think about the people who have inspired you, supported you, and made a positive difference in your life. Whether it's a family member, friend, mentor, or community leader, we want to hear about your hero.
Printed courtesy of www.rockport-fulton.org/ – Contact the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce for more information.
319 Broadway, Rockport, TX 78382 – (361) 729-6445 – chamberexec@1rockport.org